Meet the Staff
Meet the Staff who help keep Gaming-Evolved Running. They are here to respond to tickets, assist players in game, and answer general questions. Keep in mind all Admins and Staff are volunteers donating their time to assist everyone playing and enjoying the Gaming Evolved Community!

Joe Swanson
Timezone: MST-7 (no DST) US
Languages: English
About Me: Hello! A little about myself: me and Bonnie have three young boys age 4, 7, and 8. Our life is pretty crazy sometimes. GE certainly has grown from its humble beginnings. I work from home now keeping the servers running and making sure everything is in tip-top shape. My current plan is for GE to be a one-stop community, where you can come enjoy the games you love with other enthusiasts. The dream is for GE to eventually become a full service game-hosting platform. Currently the community's support is what keeps our servers alive and my family fed! So thank you for your support, and welcome to Gaming-Evolved!

Vice President
Admin for Atlas, Ark, Conan, and 7 Days to Die
Time zone: Eastern USA
Languages: English, a little Spanish
Games Played: Atlas, Ark, Conan, 7Days2Die
About Me: I started playing Atlas late 2019. After 3 official seasons, I bounced around to a few private servers and ended up at GE in April 2021. I was surprised at the wholesome community I found here, and gladly accepted when Joe asked me to be Admin. Since then I’ve worked hard to make GE the best family-friendly and fun destination for gamers. I'm married to a wonderful hubby and I have a job so I'm not available 24/7, but I keep tabs at all times through my phone. I'm very proud to be Admin with Joe, Bonnie, and the Team. Welcome to Gaming-Evolved!

Admin for Empyrion, Atlas, and Ark
Time zone: PST (California)
Languages: English
Games played: Atlas, Ark, & Rust
About Me: I have been a gamer for quite a while. I don't consider myself a "fan-boy" but if you bring up Fallout I will talk your ear off or chat your fingers off. I dabble in multiple genres of games but my passion is for my simulator games. So if you don't see me in one of our games be safe to assume I'm flying virtually around the world or going on virtual road trips. I tend to stay out of voice chats due to my dogs loving to be loud and annoying especially when in chats but if you can tolerate them I'm more than happy to jump in calls and "socialize" for a bit.

Cody Gold
Admin for Atlas
Time zone: Pacific USA
Languages: English and a teeny little Spanish
Games played: Atlas, Ark, Conan, Farm Simulator, 7Days to Die, and a bunch others
About Me: I play a lot of Atlas. Or even maybe safe to say I love Atlas. Love helping players enjoy the game while making new gaming friends is a blast. I am humbled to be a part Gaming Evolved Community and staff. We are 2nd to none; and want to be your new home in playing the games we offer.

Big Matt
Admin for 7Days to Die, Conan,
Time zone: Tasmania
Languages: English
Games played: 7Days to Die, Conan, Atlas
About Me: Hi I'm Matthew. I'm from Tasmania Australia . I am a retired firefighter due to injury also worked with AFP High-Tech crimes unit (aka Fraud). I have been manager of over 400 staff and I have repaired pc since windows 3.1 and have admined several games. I'm customer server/PR person and love helping people. Really love GE, they're my family now. You can call me BigMatt . big because im 6ft 4 inches lol

Admin for Atlas
Time zone: Germany
Languages: German and English
About Me: I'm Shorty

Time zone: Eastern USA
Languages: English
Games played: Atlas, Empyrion, Rust, GTA5, The Isle
About Me: Popeye! Happy-go-lucky guy that eats his spinach!

Bonnie Swanson
Founder Wife
Timezone: MST US
Languages: English
About Me: Joe and I have 3 young boys who keep me on my toes lol. I'm shy and not super tech savvy but I do help wherever I can. I've always loved helping others. On the first Atlas server Joe played on he found a great company. I would borrow Joe's computer when he was sleeping and gather resources for him. The server slowly became too toxic and the company chose to leave and tried to find a new server. To keep the company together and not deal with the same toxicity, GE was born! Joe created GE to be a family-friendly community, non-toxic, and without abuse for people to just have fun together. Thanks to the hard work from Joe and all GE staff the server has grown into a huge community. I'm proud to be a part of Gaming-Evolved.

Admin for Atlas, Ark, Conan, Minecraft, & Space Engineers
Time zone: Eastern USA
Languages: English
Games played: Ark, Atlas, Conan, Space Engineers, Minecraft , & 7 Days to Die
About Me: Hi I'm Crazy. I play a lot of games GE has to offer. I admin for Ark and Atlas and help anywhere I can. I love to play here with friends and enjoy helping people and having fun. If you see me in discord a lot during the day I am on my phone while at work. I am proud to be part of the staff here as I enjoy being part of this amazing team!

Admin for Ark and Atlas
Time zone: GMT +0 United Kingdom
Languages: English
Games played: Atlas, Ark, Farming Simulator, & Space Engineers
About Me: Hi I'm Baltar (Tom in R:L) I'm an admin for mainly Atlas and Ark, I'm a 51 year old gamer (never too old), I spend most of my spare time gaming around my 2 jobs, I've been a member of GE for nearly 2 years now, and have loved every minute of it, always happy to help people, so any help you need feel free to ask. Happy gaming!

Admin for Atlas
Time zone: Central USA
Languages: English
Games played: Atlas and Ark
About Me: Hi, I'm Tuor. I've been a member of GE for 3 years now. I'm a father of 5 and business owner. Here to help!

Knut A.
Admin for Atlas & Space Engineers Admin
Time zone: Norway
Languages: English, Norwegian and some German Games played: Atlas, Space engineers, ARK, World of Warcraft, Farming Simulator, Valheim, Conan and many other games.
About Me: I'm Norwegian, dad of 2, and a husband.

Time zone: UTC+1
Languages: Russian, German, & English
Games played: Atlas, (little bit Ark)
About Me: Always here to help other people. love the GE Community. I Hate Toxic People ^.^